Golfclub Kitzingen

Lailachweg 1
D-97318 Kitzingen, Kitzingen

The 18-hole-course is situated near to the city behind the INNOPARK territory in the south west of Kitzingen. Surrounded by forests and fields, there is a wonderfull view from this quiet place over the Main valley towards the winelands and the Steigerwald mountains.

The rather flat course with irrigated fairways and short distances between the greens and the tees as well as the possibility to rent carts make the game very convenient for senior players. The athletic golfer is challenged by the length of some fairways, the nearby roughs and the influence of the wind.

The round may be finished pleasently in the bistro or on the terrace with cold and warm meals, coffee and cakes and beverages of all kind..

Maak Voucher

Uw voordeel: € 70,00
Play 2for1 - Spiel mit 2fur1
Beschikbare greenfees per gebruiker: 1
elke dag van de week tot 31 December 2025
Uw voordeel: € 17,50
25% greenfee discount - 25% Einzelspielerermäßigung
Beschikbare greenfees per gebruiker: 1
elke dag van de week tot 31 December 2025
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