Royal Amicale Anderlecht Golf Club

Rue Schollestraat 1
B-1070 Anderlecht

Royal Amicale Anderlecht Golf Club is located in the socalled ‘Pajottenland’ on the outskirts of Brussels. It is the only 18-hole golf course within the boundaries of Brussels. The course has numerous trees, wild plants, shrub, ponds and bunkers never tire the golf players. The golfer requires a good technical control as well as precision in order to remain within your buffer.
As the only 18 holes course within Brussels-Capital Region, the R.A.A.G.C. has a major advantage: its closeness to the city center. Besides it’s ideal location, the club has another major advantage, a covered and lightened 40 spots driving range.

Maak Voucher

Uw voordeel: € 15,00
20% discount on 1 greenfee 18 holes Mo / Fr (except during public holidays and tournaments.) Min hcp 36 - Ontvang 20% korting op 1 greenfee 18 holes. Geldig van Ma t/m Vr (Behalve feestdagen en competities)
Beschikbare greenfees per gebruiker: 1
elke dag van de week behalve Zondag, Zaterdag tot 31 December 2025
Uw voordeel: € 60,00
Play 4for3
Play 4for3 18 holes Mo / Fr (except during public holidays and tournaments)
Beschikbare greenfees per gebruiker: 1
elke dag van de week behalve Zondag, Zaterdag tot 31 December 2025
Op de voucher staat exact het voordeel waarvoor u gekozen heeft op de door u geselecteerde locatie. Op locatie ontvangt u het voordeel tegen verzilvering van uw GreenFree voucher.
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