Salgados Golf Course

Rua do Golf
8200-424 Guia
+351 911 032 723
A course for those who prefer Nature, for Nature lovers, for those who respect her and wish to share unique and magic moments with her. Salgados Golf Course is located at Herdade dos Salgados, close to Albufeira. Next to Salgados Beach and Salgados Lagoon Nature Reserve, linking the dunes to the sea, Humanity to the Universe.
A shelter for various bird species, some under threat of extinction, this course offers golfers a unique experience with impressive views over the ocean and unique birdsong. We recommend walking over the green, as it is simple, beautiful and almost always flat. This is a very technical course, more cerebral than physical. Due to the wind, its changes, this course is never the same.
Here, almost all the holes are flanked by lagoons and one (number 6) is considered one of the most difficult of the world, as it has a lot of water and is very long.
Holes 7, 8 and 15 are among the loveliest of the course (and region!).
For golf enthusiasts, playing in the yellow tees is a delightful experience.

Maak Voucher

Uw voordeel: € 20,00
20% Discount (Applies to greenfees) valid for 18 holes round.
Beschikbare greenfees per gebruiker: 5
elke dag van de week tot 31 December 2025
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