Liberty Golf Cup - Angkor Resort Vietnam


Liberty Golf Cup, 29 to 30 March 2013

An exciting tournament on the first quarter of the year at Angkor Golf Resort, Liberty Golf Cup is a tournament that will be hold comprising amateur golfers from the region and promotes multi-lateral ties amongst golfers internationally, the opportunity of business networking and an everlasting friendship.


Entry fee will cover following item:

  • 2 rounds of golf ( 18 Holes green fee, caddy fee and twin share cart included)
  • Warm up at Angkor Golf Resort's 300 yards grass range
  • Tournament goodie bag worth (USD135)
  • Chance to win lucky draw prizes (Total up to USD3,300)
  • Hospitality at halfway huts (including free flow Carlsberg beer, fresh fruit cuts and hand + head massage)

Tournament format: Stableford (System 36)

Slots are still available and registration will close on 20 March 2013

 Please email for registration, stay & play package and full event details.



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