Holland Golf Show - korting op tickets!

Koop nu je tickets voor de Holland Golf Show! Golf4Holland heeft een kortingscode voor je!

More than 15,000 golfers chose
Golf4Holland since 2001
age 18 -
age 19 - 28
age 29 +

Great Greenfee Savings

Members of Golf4Holland enjoy great greenfee savings on more than 120 golf courses! For instance 2for1 (2 play for the price of 1). Please note: Your playing partner does not need to be a member of Golf4Holland! There are many other offers. Click here for more information!

Global Score registration

Wherever in the world you play, you only register your gross score per hole. Our systems do the rest. Are you missing a golf course? Send us a request by email (preferably with scorecard and slope/course ratings) and we will quickly add the golf course in our system for you.

Your own mobile app

When you are logged in you will immediately see your digital NGF with your current handicap. With our App you can manage competitions, your personal data, your scores and your own games. App is available in Android and iOS.

Personalized service

We will answer your call or email personally. You can call us at 0343-724990 (working days between 09.00-12.30 hrs). Our email address is info@golf4holland.nl. With our systems, ease of use, efficiency and transparency for our members is key.

NGF registration

Golf4Holland has been an official member of the NGF since 2001. All our systems work with all NGF systems and Apps. Your scores are registered with the NGF and your new handicap is shown on the digital NGF pass (available in all systems).

More than 20000 golfcourses!

You can register scores on more than 20000 golfcourses wordwide in the Golf4Holland systems. Have your complete score history from every golfcourse you played! And of course, you never have to calculate any results or enter courses yourself. And of course, as a member, your scores will be registered with the NGF.
Golf4Holland Membership - Save up to 50% on greenfees and register your global scores easy!

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