Golflocations, Golfcourses and Greenfee Savings

Experience the added value of convenience for your fun and results with Golf4Holland

Playing golf with Golf4Holland means more than just golfing; it means playing golf with ease, which enhances both your enjoyment and your performance as well. We provide the tools, community and support you need to take your golf game to the next level, wherever you play. Join us today and discover the ease and fun of golfing with Golf4Holland.

Discover the Worldwide Golf Adventure with Golf4Holland

As a passionate golf enthusiast, you know how important it is to explore the world of golf. Golf4Holland opens the doors to a world of possibilities for you as a member, with benefits you won't find anywhere else. We also want to make you aware of the convenience that Golf4Holland offers through its systems and apps . Read on to discover how Golf4Holland takes your beloved golf sport to the next level.

No hassle with entering locations and/or calculating results

Keeping track of your golfhandicap and golf scorecards abroad can be a challenge. With Golf4Holland that hassle is a thing of the past. Our handy golfsystems and golf apps allow you to focus on your game, without worrying about entering golf courses and/or calculating golf results. Just enjoy your round and let us do the rest.

Complete Registration of Foreign Scorecards

How many times have you played a great round of golf abroad and then been unable to register your score? With Golf4Holland that is a thing of the past. We ensure that all your foreign scorecards are fully and accurately recorded in your handicap overview at Golf4Holland. This way you always stay informed of your golf performance, wherever you are.

Directly registered with the Dutch Golf Federation

As a golfer you want to be sure that your game is recognized and registered by the relevant authorities. With Golf4Holland you don't have to worry about that. We ensure that all your golf scores are registered directly with the Dutch Golf Federation (NGF). This way we ensure that your official WHS golf handicap is always up to date.

Save up to 50% on Green Fees

In addition to global golf experiences, Golf4Holland also offers fantastic discounts on more than 160 golf courses in the Netherlands and the EU. These discounts are truly the icing on the cake, allowing you to not only enjoy the best golfing experiences, but also save money while doing so.

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